Volume 1, Issue 2
[The Apollonian is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that is published bi-annually.]
The Apollonian: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies seeks submissions for its sophomore issue (since its revival). The journal welcomes Academic Essays (within 5000 words), Short Essays (within 1500 words) and Book Reviews (within 2000 words). For the forthcoming issue, the submissions can be interdisciplinary, but must fall within the broader definition of humanities (and this also includes areas such as STEM and medical humanities, new media, visual cultures etc).
Book Reviews:
Reviews of books not older than two years are invited. We may consider submissions of book reviews on fiction, non-fiction, academic volumes (monographs/edited volumes/anthologies), or poetry volumes provided they are written in accordance with our stylistic requirements.
We are also inviting proposals and submissions for concept essays (photo or video essays, interviews, mixed media submissions, animation, original art) that address any of the areas mentioned. Please reach out to us if you think you have a concept essay premise addressing any of the specific sections or otherwise.
We follow MLA 8th Edition guidelines citations. Font to be used is Times New Roman, size 12, spaced at 1.2 pt, and only unlinked endnotes (no footnotes). Submissions should be prepared for blind peer review (cover page containing abstract, keywords and bio with no identifiers from the second page onwards).
Deadline for final submission: 31st August, 2024.
For enquiries and submissions please mail to: apollonianjournal@gmail.com